Monday, July 13, 2009

Hi Y'all !

Good Morning !
Let's see if I can get this thing off to a good start.
It's Monday
It's already hotter than Dick's hatband, and humid...can't leave out humid !
Lower Alabama...the sauna of the south.
Keeps your cheeks rosey and your blood pressure steady.
Is there anywhere in the world "cool" right now ?
If so...point me in that direction.
Menopause in the summer, in the south is NOT a pretty thing to see.
Add to that misery, the fact that I am "one armed" right now, and have a sick husband moaning about his "just kill me dead" stomach ache and you have a sad situation.

The good news is that my animal's love me, in spite of all of the above.
(except maybe for the husband with the "just kill me dead' stomach ache...they look like they might be conspiring to put him out of his misery.) !!!
4 dogs, 3 cats and a very loud mouth redneck parrot, make up my adoring fanclub.
Actually, I really should call this Blog, Critter Tales, since my critter's consume the majority of my time.
All but two of them are rescue's.
All of them have a story.
You'll meet them all in good time.
Besides the husband, the other two human 's in the household are my sons.
Grown and outta here, should be the next statement concerning them, but alas...tis not so !
To give them credit...the DID leave...I just made the mistake of not changing the locks on the doors, to prevent them from re-entering !
Good boy's, but victims of this disgusting economy...they both had to "come home" after lay-off's for one and cutback's for the other, put a huge dent in their incomes.
Both are working again now, so they will leave eventually...unless I kill em first !
I love em dearly, but Lord Help me...sometimes I really don't LIKE them very much.
Both of them are training...body building !
Do I need to say anything more ?
They eat nouthing but chicken and brown rice all the time, and once they figured out that I was NOT going to BUY it for them OR cook it for them...they took over my kitchen ...or tried too!
Now...middle aged southern ladies will put up with alot of shit...but the kitchen is holy ground for us.
Our turf...and, we will kill you, if you mess it up !
They tried too.

I abliged them with kitchen time, and stay out of their way, when they are in there.
After the first time I picked up grains of brown rice strowed everwhichaway, and saw the George Foreman left for me to clean ( did they think it would clean itself) !!!
Anyway, there was a "come to Jesus" meeting that could probably be heard all the way to the Canadian border.
"I am your Mother, NOT your maid"
"I brought you into this world, and I can DAMN shore take you out of it." !!!
was the promise I gave them if they messed up my kitchen one more time.
So good !
They are still breathing, so they got my drift !

As to being "one armed" I had misfortune of having surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder last month.
I am a right handed every sense of the word.
So, trying to function with out my right arm, hasn't made things much easier.
I have been a Bitch, and will be the first to admit it.
Just TRY to use a curling iron with your non-dominant'll see what I mean.
Consequently, I also LOOK like a haggard ole Bitch too.
(I have hair enough for three people on my head, and it grows straight out)
I refuse to cut it all off again though...been there, done was NOT pretty !
I'll just continue to look like a haggard ole Bitch for seems to clear the aisle's in Walmart pretty good actually....which is a perk !

So, That's the tale I am sitting on at the moment.
I do plan to use this forum to bitch and gripe, praise and pardon, muse and ponder on...
No telling what will come out.
Feel free to reply or comment on anything.
I hope you'll enjoy my three ring circus of a life.
It's not fancy, but it's never boring either.

Y'all have a fine day now, ya hear.
Come back to see me.


  1. LOL, you tell em, Sandy! I think I'm going to enjoy reading your blog :)

  2. i don't know what happened, but since my computer crashed yesterday, I cannot get back to this blog to post...I guess I'll have to re-do it !
